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Can\'t receive OTA updates from ~marpem-CSDN问答
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-24

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\"weixin_39951112\" weixin_39951112 2021-01-06 07:47 首页 开源项目 Can\'t receive OTA updates from ~marpem

Describe the bugCan t receive OTA updates. Running trouble gives me the base hash 0vi.m33cm.0pvjs.j53ra.06tn4.klqk2.tjlo8.ev4pa.qgr2l.lecp5.0hgjj which is from May 20, and I constantly get this message: arvo: replacement event (for %hear) failed. I have tried to remedy the situation with the steps below:

To ReproduceSteps to reproduce the behaviour:1. |cancel %base2. |merge %base ~marpem %kids3. |ames-verb %rcv4. Getting messages similar to this: ames: ~marpem: send dupe ack [~marpem 1 fragment-num 16.256]

Expected behaviourExpecting to receive OTA updates from ~marpem

System (please supply the following information, if relevant): - OS: macOS - Base hash: %base 0vi.m33cm.0pvjs.j53ra.06tn4.klqk2.tjlo8.ev4pa.qgr2l.lecp5.0hgjj

该提问来源于开源项目 urbit/urbit

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\"weixin_40001967\" weixin_40001967 2月前

~marpem has been up for a while now, but I would recommend what the lady says

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\"weixin_39640085\" weixin_39640085 2月前

You could always |merge %base ~binzod %kids or etc. to get this out of the way this time. The post-Ford Fusion OTA gap is a little bumpy.

— ~haddef-sigwenhttps://urbit.org

On Aug 19, 2020, at 10:15 PM, Brian Strauch wrote:

Any updates? My urbit is still unusable as far as I can tell

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\"weixin_39951112\" weixin_39951112 2月前

Any updates? My urbit is still unusable as far as I can tell

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\"weixin_40001967\" weixin_40001967 2月前

Much to my embarrassment, ~marpem has had some issues. I switched to another host and they do not seem to be managing it optimally. If I don t get this resolved soon, I ll have to do something else. This may not be an issue with urbit, but we haven t quite pinned down why it s happening.

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\"weixin_39951112\" weixin_39951112 2月前


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\"weixin_39589241\" weixin_39589241 2月前

Can you run |verb, wait until you get another arvo: replacement event (for %hear) failed error and send the stack trace that should be near it?  Then run |verb again to silence it.

On Thu, Jul 02, 2020 at 2:48 PM, Brian Strauch notifications.com wrote:

Describe the bugCan t receive OTA updates. Running trouble gives me the base hash 0vi.m33cm.0pvjs.j53ra.06tn4.klqk2.tjlo8.ev4pa.qgr2l.lecp5.0hgjjwhich is from May 20, and I constantly get this message: arvo: replacementevent (for %hear) failed. I have tried to remedy the situation with thesteps below:

To ReproduceSteps to reproduce the behaviour:

|cancel %base|merge %base ~marpem %kids|ames-verb %rcvGetting messages similar to this: ames: ~marpem: send dupe ack [~marpem 1fragment-num 16.256]

Expected behaviourExpecting to receive OTA updates from ~marpem

System (please supply the following information, if relevant):

OS: macOSBase hash: %base0vi.m33cm.0pvjs.j53ra.06tn4.klqk2.tjlo8.ev4pa.qgr2l.lecp5.0hgjjYou are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub (https://github.com/urbit/urbit/issues/3085 ) , or unsubscribe (https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABKLYGCENUUXUZ4RRK5EYDLRZT6BPANCNFSM4OPIRN3Q).

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本文链接: http://marpex.immuno-online.com/view-678975.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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